Stonehaven's Upper School program is built upon a bold idea:
a character-transforming education founded upon intellectual pursuits that stir the soul.
Through a rigorous curriculum taught in a nurturing environment, we challenge our students toward intellectual pursuits that stir the soul. Charlotte Mason said, “The question is not, -- how much does the youth know? when he has finished his education -- but how much does he care?" Stonehaven’s goal for students is not solely to achieve excellent academic results but foremost to possess godly wisdom and Christian virtue.
A Stonehaven education teaches with the grain of a child. The most effective way to teach a six-year-old looks very different from how to best teach a sixteen-year-old. The Upper School program, driven by our classical philosophy, provides a unique form of education catered to the natural development of a child. The what, why, and how of our Upper School teaching philosophy focuses on three ideas.