We passionately desire our student body to reflect the beautiful diversity of the Kingdom of God (Revelation 7:9).
Therefore, we are intentionally making a Stonehaven education financially accessible to as many families in our community as possible. Jesus commands his people to, "Let the little children come to me" (Matthew 19:14). In an effort to make it possible for like-minded Christian families of diverse socioeconomic backgrounds to attend Stonehaven, we offer a range of tuition determined by financial need.
Stonehaven’s tuition is presented as a range so that families can see the minimum and maximum rates for which they will qualify if they apply to the program. Families who are able to pay the top of the tuition range do not need to submit an application for Indexed Tuition.
2024-2025 Tuition Range | |
Kindergarten 1/2 Day | $3,100 - $8,500 |
Kindergarten | $4,100 - $11,300 |
Grades 1-6 | $4,900 - $13,400 |
Grades 7-12 | $5,100 - $14,300 |
"They are to do good, to be rich in good works, to be generous and ready to share, thus storing up treasure for themselves as a good foundation for the future, so that they may take hold of that which is truly life." - 1 Timothy 6:18-19
Stonehaven expects every family in the school community to contribute to the operating expenses of the school. In an effort to assess a family's ability to afford a Stonehaven education, the school uses FACTS as an objective and independent third party. FACTS provides a tuition recommendation to the school. To maintain the integrity of the indexed tuition process, Stonehaven will not offer a tuition lower than that recommended by FACTS.
In order to find the appropriate tuition amount, we must assess the financial need of each family. To do this, many factors are considered including income, assets, number of dependents, and number of children attending schools that charge tuition. The process will also include discretionary spending including but not limited to: medical expenses, consumer debt, automobiles, and additional property.
Adjusted Gross Income:
Net Assets:
Gross Tuition:
FACTS Indexed Tuition:
Adjusted Gross Income:
Net Assets:
Gross Tuition:
FACTS Indexed Tuition:
Adjusted Gross Income:
Net Assets:
Gross Tuition:
FACTS Indexed Tuition: