Making Stonehaven Affordable

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We passionately desire our student body to reflect the beautiful diversity of the Kingdom of God (Revelation 7:9).

Therefore, we are intentionally making a Stonehaven education financially accessible to as many families in our community as possible. Jesus commands his people to, "Let the little children come to me" (Matthew 19:14). In an effort to make it possible for like-minded Christian families of diverse socioeconomic backgrounds to attend Stonehaven, we offer a range of tuition determined by financial need.

Stonehaven’s tuition is presented as a range so that families can see the minimum and maximum rates for which they will qualify if they apply to the program. Families who are able to pay the top of the tuition range do not need to submit an application for Indexed Tuition.

2024-2025 Tuition Range
Kindergarten 1/2 Day $3,100 - $8,500
Kindergarten $4,100 - $11,300
Grades 1-6 $4,900 - $13,400
Grades 7-12 $5,100 - $14,300


  • Application fee: $150 for first child and $50 for additional child. Due with application and non-refundable.
  • Classroom Activity fee: $100 per family and collected with tuition.

      What percent of students qualify for an Indexed Tuition?


      What is the average tuition for qualifying students?


      What is the average income for qualifying families?


Socioeconomic Diversity

"They are to do good, to be rich in good works, to be generous and ready to share, thus storing up treasure for themselves as a good foundation for the future, so that they may take hold of that which is truly life." - 1 Timothy 6:18-19

Indexed Tuition Process

Stonehaven expects every family in the school community to contribute to the operating expenses of the school. In an effort to assess a family's ability to afford a Stonehaven education, the school uses FACTS as an objective and independent third party. FACTS provides a tuition recommendation to the school. To maintain the integrity of the indexed tuition process, Stonehaven will not offer a tuition lower than that recommended by FACTS.

In order to find the appropriate tuition amount, we must assess the financial need of each family. To do this, many factors are considered including income, assets, number of dependents, and number of children attending schools that charge tuition. The process will also include discretionary spending including but not limited to: medical expenses, consumer debt, automobiles, and additional property.


Submit an Admission Application

Indexed Tuition is not reviewed until after an admissions decision has been made.


Complete a FACTS Application

Click the link below to begin the process.


Indexed Tuition Decision

Indexed Tuition Committee determines a tuition decision based on FACTS recommendation.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I find out what tuition we qualify for?

The FACTS indexed tuition application process considers a variety of financial measures to determine a family's ability. The only way this can be determined is by submitting an application and the required supporting documentation (W-2, tax return, etc.).

Who will see my financial information?

Every family's financial information is treated as highly confidential. The Indexed Tuition committee reviews applications to determine each award. Staff members, board members, and other parents are not made aware of who receives an indexed tuition.

Will our Indexed Tuition change from year to year?

Families can expect to receive similar levels of funding each year if their financial circumstances remain the same. Every family must reapply for Indexed Tuition each year and meet the stated deadlines. If the family's financial situation changes, the indexed tuition may be adjusted accordingly.

What factors are considered when determining need?

The FACTS application will take into consideration adjusted gross income, number of children, savings, core expenses, and other information that will impact a family's ability to pay tuition.

Is there a discount for siblings?

The Stonehaven School does not offer multi-child discounts. The school seeks to address all needs through its Indexed Tuition process.

When To Apply?

  • Current Families - We need to complete Indexed Tuition determinations for our current families early so that we can budget for our new families. If you intend to apply for Indexed Tuition, please submit your application by the first week of February or notify the financial office if you need more time.
  • New Families - The Indexed Tuition process begins after admissions acceptance is offered. Indexed Tuition applications are processed by FACTS, and tax documents will be required. Families who intend to apply for Indexed Tuition should begin preparing by filing taxes as early as possible. New families are asked to complete the application in FACTS within two weeks of receiving an admissions decision.

Case Studies

Case Study 1
Case Study 2
Case Study 3
This is a family of four: two parents and two children, with one child attending a tuition-charging school. The combined income of the two parents is $86,200. The family owns their house, valued at $260,000; mortgage and property taxes are $14,000 annually. Assets, including savings, home equity, and investments are $19,000.

Adjusted Gross Income: $86,200
Net Assets: $19,000
Gross Tuition: $11,000

FACTS Indexed Tuition: $7,000

This is a family of four: two parents and two children, with two children attending a tuition-charging school. The combined income of the two parents is $79,800. The family owns their house, valued at $308,000; mortgage and property taxes are $14,620 annually. Assets, including savings, home equity, and investments are $44,360.

Adjusted Gross Income: $79,800
Net Assets: $44,360
Gross Tuition: $22,800

FACTS Indexed Tuition: $9,600

This is a family of five: two parents and three children, with three children attending a tuition-charging school. The combined income of the two parents is $114,200. The family owns their house, valued at $258,000; mortgage and property taxes are $19,300 annually. Assets, including savings, home equity, and investments are $22,500.

Adjusted Gross Income: $114,200
blogmain Net Assets: $22,500
Gross Tuition: $34,600

FACTS Indexed Tuition: $14,900