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Brett Edwards

Head of School

We are in the business of human flourishing. The word flourish means to "grow or develop in a healthy or vigorous way, especially as the result of a particularly favorable environment." The academic program and school culture at The Stonehaven School is designed purposefully to promote the flourishing of our children. Imagine a magnificent and well-organized garden replete with vegetables, flowers, and lush vegetation. Such gardens do not grow without the constant attention of a gardener. The most beautiful gardens require meticulous planning, thoughtful design, and attentive care. We curate our educational philosophy and design our academic program with the thought and care of an excellent gardener.

What is our end goal? In Psalm 92:13 we read that the righteous "are planted in the house of the LORD, they flourish in the courts of our God." We seek to root our children firmly in God's word and instill in them a redemptive passion for our broken world. Stonehaven exists to glorify God by cultivating truth, goodness, and beauty in students through a distinctly Christ-centered classical education.

What if we are designed to live in holy communion with God from the day we are born until the day we die? What if every aspect of our lives finds its purpose and value when placed in submission to God and his will? What if our children possess souls that can never die and find their greatest flourishing when they have aligned their will with the will of their Creator? These are the questions that drive how we think and learn at our school.

A Stonehaven education equips students with the tools of learning so that they are prepared to live a life defined by a passion for lifelong learning. It cultivates in the student a love of knowledge, a yearning for wisdom, and a desire to pursue truth where ever it leads.

I hope your visit to our website encourages you to learn more about our school and the remarkable education we provide. There is no greater way to learn about what makes Stonehaven so special than visiting the school. We invite you to come for a tour and see for yourself the truth, goodness, and beauty of a Stonehaven education.

From Christian parenting to the latest educational fads, read more from Mr. Edwards at the Bloghaven.